Sunday Reflection on a Tuesday! Untitled Poem:

So, I’ve been slacking on my writing but for great reason.  I’ve been going through a transition period in my life and it has been a huge blessing as well as weight off of my shoulders.  Love is a crazy thing.  There’s good love and bad love.  I was inspired to write this poem for the “Wings of Pegasus,” however, don’t find it fair they can profit so greatly off of something I write.  Yes, I’ve been published by others and have been published by self.  It is a great feeling to get your works out and into the world I have no question about it being good.  It’s just that I refuse to pay when I can do it for free on here and have all of you witness my transition period.  So far, everything that was predicted has come into manifestation.  I think that it’s great as my next thing to do is to win the lottery.  It was said this sum of money will come from a game of chance, so here’s to it.  This is a poem I wrote to get published and realized they wanted to charge me for it.  I don’t believe in that as I said so I hope you enjoy my heart being poured out onto this blog right here, and right now!  By the way, this was inspired by my grandma Helen Clark.  She’s inspired me to come up with this name, and my true name: Katie M. Erwin.  This is my poem though I write under another name.  People tend to be shady and I wanted to have private moments with my thoughts away from the shady people crosstalking me.  Guess they didn’t add that I’m a writer to the equation… ah well. 

“Untitled Unnamed”
The beginnings of love and a future we can build
Not forgetting the darkness but seeing light to guild.
Utilizing a thesaurus or finding it on a map,
Of dreams to travel as the love and beauty stacks.
Yesterday was a time of broken promises as we live for the now,
Honestly couldn’t do it after the hurt in my life I allowed.
Crawling backwards before forwards perceive it as a sign
The once negative has become positive my beauty is defined.
Raindrops and a walk on the grass bear skin helps us ground,
Theres pieces to pick up here and there reiki healing sound.
We must all awaaken celestial beings I call to you all
Our destiny is to heal this earth not to forget this is your call.
Dreamers utilizing a theory one can be rich fade the bad and help,
Delicately washing the ocean to the beach the spirits they need the kelp.
Though contained of bumpiness, and of grit we can wade through
For myself and for my kindreds, my magic calls to all of you.
Broken but not forgotten what’s real and what’s filled with light
Memories of a loved one counteracted the future’s bright.
Imprinting an interval of life I share with thee today,
The sun comes out, and the birds sing as she said as she passed away.
Grandma’s kisses we may all miss love not forgotten or lost
But living in memory to pick it up freely giving love with no cost.
This is your legacy we have to grow it timeless,
Our possibilities to change the world to awaken others and endless.
For you I write this poem, for you I write my song
I remember like it was yesterday I came back for a reason
As the flowers bloomed it still did snow though not during the winter season.
You are missed, you and your bliss I remanesce and love thee to watch over all of this.

Fresh Lives, Fresh Thoughts, Fresh Jobs and Dreams…

So, it’s not quite Saturday for me as I haven’t slept.  I was origionally going to write the first rant and rave I had done in a while due to the computer problems but then someone sent me an inspirational video.  Though it is my belief we get what we put out, I received this message merely two sentences in and it made me smile.  The past was the past at that point.  What have I learned today?

Well, I learned that I can live my dreams starting today for one thing.  Nothing seemed to bother me today.  It usually does, but I could not keep a smile off my face for the past two days.  Why?  Because I now know something most don’t and due to that something, it makes me happier.  Yes, I can go on vacations for cheaper and live like a rich woman without having to worry about how I’m going to have to pay for it.  Just today I was looking at what I want to be my first motorcycle.  I asked the guy what the price was.  He told me, “well to be honest it’s 5600, but tell me what do you do for work?”  I explained to him, “I write, and blog, and do a lot of network marketing for Wake Up Now Empowered.”  That 5600 dollars turned into 3k in one moment.  I couldn’t believe it.  Here I am at a mom and pop shop and he’s heard of us, or believes in the cause.  It was amazing! 

That was when I realized, there are so many discounts I could be sharing with all of you.  If you too want a vacation, want a cruise, want anything at all booked I’m your go to gal.  I guess I have been forgetting to do one thing: to help others live their dreams too.  That changed for me today, and I decided I would tell everyone about the truth and how to get things less.  Also, imagine discounts massively on office supplies, paper, etc.  I can show you a way to save so much that it puts the coupon gurus to shame (sorry fellas).

So, if you want to hear about what I can help you with inbox me:  I can find you a way to shave off cash you could use for vacations.  There is multiple ways to make money, and I can get you out of the rut you are in.  Thought I would throw it out to the world on my blog.  We are becoming world wide now, and are all business owners.  What do we havve that you don’t?  Nothing, but maybe more time and consistency.  See what happens, and see yourself awakened and happy living your dreams!

Warmly yours,
Hellen Reaves

The Secret and G.O.Y.A

The Secret and GOYA I hold dear to my heart.  Yes, I have had a rough time of it all during many years.  I also know my mind is going to acheive my great dreams to go do good deads and to help others acheive their dreams.  I know by the insight I hold dear to my heart, this will happen sooner than I think.  This year is a special year for me.  I know this is the year I will become a published writer.  However, for me to succeed is to train others minds to make my dreams a reality.  If they think I won’t make it, then that is a counter production of myself that I was unaware of.   Also, I know that if I can train their brains by having them read the same books, and develop the same patterns for themselves, then we aren’t set up for failure but are succeeding. 

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” is a fictitious statement.  “I’m too old,” or saying, “I’m not smart enough to do this,” can honestly tear a person down in a minute.  It can be corrected, and it can be perfected though.  You all help others by helping yourself, then teaching others your philosophical points of view.  Whether that be your passion for what you love to do, your life, your hopes… these are things you should be entitled to.  Look at it like this: it is your life, right?  Maybe you have been living your life for someone or something else.  Eventually later in the future, this will cause resentments as your life flashes by your eyes and then you realize on your deathbed that it is too late.  Due to this blog though, I’m making you realize some things and a new perspective.  I may talk about things I don’t want on here, and may preach to the choir on some issues- but I know there are a few who do need to hear this.  I have previously not thought I was good enough so I was around the wrong people who also did’t believe in me or my dreams.  By having these forces around me, I also realized that I was hurting myself in the worst way. Why?  I love myself and want good for myself, but out of habit of not feeling good enough, I was selling myself short, and going into that negativity frame of mind.  Furthermore, by saying, “it won’t happen, I won’t be able to ever make it,” you are sending out those ripples that it won’t.  When in all reality, it will with a positive mindset and a positive attitude.  There are things and opportunities that we miss, through the power of prayer more opportunities will come knocking.  When you find your niche, then you will become happy.  What doesn’t feel like work?  Maybe you hate your job, or the bullshit that goes along with it… again sending out ripples making it not possible to enjoy life to it’s fullest.

A book I just finished writing shows us that the Bible was a blueprint for us to follow.  No, I’m not saying we can compete with the “life force,” but what we can do is align ourselves and our dreams with it so that we can reach our truest potential.  That to me is true freedom of choice, manifesting dreams into reality, and living our truest purpose on this earth. 

I know I have a lot of work to do, but then I also know that I can acheive my goals as they are very clear.  I can radiate peace within my own home, though I know not so pleasent things happen in our world.  “No news is good news,” so stop watching the news, and listen to your favorite tune.  You are shutting yourself out before you even started your own journey.  Why sell yourself short of happiness, dreams, and your true potential?  Remove the negativity in your life, fight your causes, and realize what you DO want, so you can be there one day.  I’m your biggest fan if I’m preaching to the choir, but know what I say is wisdom, truth, and just.  I know as I’ve been to the bottom but won’t ever go there again.  I will shed light for others, become inspiration to say, “this is what I use to be and do, and this is the great thing I’ve become now,” and this will provide you what you’re looking for and will become your manifestation miracle.  I want you to succeed, know you are unique, and deserve great things.  It isn’t a false sense of entitlement at all but your birthright on this earth!  Take it, manifest it, grow it, and become positive.  Here is the key.  Do your research and get back to me.  This world can be beautiful, and can provide what we need.  It is the potential within, not without.  Here it is, your friend through Christ telling you that what you face today won’t be faced tomorrow!

Peace and love, Hellen J. Reaves signing off.  I’m manefesting greatness, and change for what I DO want.  Author, novelist, and speachmaker telling your hope is at the end of the tunnel, get out of that fog and into the light!

A Great Man Once Said…

A great business man once said, “the things you think are going to matter in the future don’t, and the things that you do think are going to mattter in the future do.”  Looking back in hindsite, that man was wise and knew from experience what he was saying was, and still is true.  Sometimes we get stuck in our own situations, and can’t see through it… at other times, we are so in tune with the world, that we can see through it all and can see we are very much in control. 

There are some things that cannot be defined as normal that we go through.  There are some things that we tend to ignore as beings, as truths, and as ourselves as we learn of more about who we are.  Sometimes there are things that are manifested through our consiousness… I want to move to the mountains, and usually disaster has to hit before I can go to where I’m headed.  There is no where to look but up as I near the finishing of my novel.  Now to manifest the publisher… publisher I’m channeling you and will hear back from you shortly… I can write wonderfully and am waiting for you to help me make my dreams become reality.  Rains flood away the fire, and allow peace in my life.  Also, publisher, I’m almost done and will be waiting for your call!

Maybe not the whole picture but a better idea… A life of wanting, needing, and guidance…

Have you asked for the universe to provide a truth for you in your life?  Have you ever wanted to know the big picture?  I suppose the type of life I’ve led in the past shows me that I must continue moving forward and not backwards.  The rhetoric on this planet is unique, as well as all apposing sides.  I ask the world how I can help the people in it, to find God and to take away even the darkness in myself.  There are many things I’m working on, though I’ve found what I want my personal truth to be and that is to write.  I can’t tell you how crazy this life is… the truth, as there are many truths.  I feel the world slowly going a little bit more crazy and oppositional, yet what I want to really have in my life is my health, happiness, and peace.  I get that through writing.  Though I can see in the eyes of most people, to be open and aware is oftentimes a scary move.  My Gmail account for example, I looked up one person to show me how to successfully make money, and ever since, I have been a victim of cyber wars!  It is hard to make a living, but all I ask for is a good life.  I think we all do, but usually don’t project it in the right fashion.  You have your working class citizens, entropenuers, sleeping masses, on fire faith people, and then a woman questioning the fabric of exhistance.  I want to change, therefore I will and will inner reflect asking what I truly want.  Maybe a pro’s and con’s sheet of observations as of lately would help the cause, or maybe  it would show more of the same? I ask myself, what truly makes me happy while on this planet, and I see all the things I don’t want first to ensure I make the right choice.  Opposite of what I want is of coarse rivalry, but yet I don’t want a blimished name or reputation either… Here it is again, the balance.  It is truly the butterfly affect.  However, choosing one’s battles is never easy until you put it out there and reflect upon it. Now, I see everyone’s point to an extent, but I pray for an awakening as all of the opposing parties seem to focus on also what they don’t want.  I know a life, a job, and an attitude can change many things.  Also, I know we are what we eat, smoke, ingest, or snort.  I don’t want to be poisoned in any of these ways though.  I choose to live a happy, peaceful, bountiful, and calming life.  After going through so much pain, I only want to focus on myself, in the mountains drinking chrystal spring water and cooking good food, and writing.  Yet, I’m a walking contradiction.  Too much solitude, and that is no good either.  Yes, I meant to say “no good,” for a reason.  It is also bad to have too much company, to know where boundaries are, and to know what the truth is to life in general.  The universe has to give eventually if I put it out there that I choose to write, to continue my therapy, and to make my life happy. 

There is war going on yet none seem to talk of it like that–and I feel for every party involved.  Is it sad that I cry and see all of the points of view?  In my immediate area I perceive some people just having their priorities different than most others.  Maybe I too can be controlled by the same but they seem not to see the immediate things I see.  They also don’t seem to see the need I have in my eyes for understanding and for peace.  Trust doesn’t come easy from a person who has been through so much, but I feel as if I were a human lie detector test just testing the world to see what combonation I need to get to where I want to go?  Then I see greed literally destroying people.  It goes and plays a huge part in their minds.  It is truly terrifying and sad.  There is a balance, and there is a time.  There has to be answers from stress, worry, shame, ugliness, and wickedness.  I must find the lack of in my immediate surroundings.  It is a potential must.  What is it that would make them all want to stop, and to live in harmony?  If the world was in harmony, or a part of the world, I would want to be in it.  That’s a good one, instead of making money what if we all just did harmony training?  That would provide the solution, or grow others board, as there has to be a balance to it all right?  However, I see chaos growing more unhinged around me, and all I truly want is to live in prosperity.  I absolutely don’t like feeling that way though.  I want happiness, to write, to dream, and to come home to a vacation-like spot to recharge the batteries. 

I have previously looked into things.  Sometimes, I make it until I fake it projecting and acting as if I were in their shoes, just to understand all sides and forces a little better. It is a hard task to do though, but I think I may be getting closer.  The dream?  To write, to be published, and to be happy.  What will make this dream happen, and how to get there I don’t know… If I change all the places and faces, that would be a great story!  I could see people wanting to make movies of my stuff and everything.  Sadly, I have to be under a pseado name to not offend anyone as I “tune in,” and to still find my personal truth in happiness.  I want to make my parents proud, to know I’m making something and am happy before they leave.  My mom always told me I could write, and I want to for a living.  What is the harm in that and where do you start?  I’ve started many books, bios, proposals, finished one but don’t know where to publish it… I only wish that I could find a team that I could rely on, yet when I ask for help they act as if I should already know the answer.  I’m looking for this special someone to make this dream a reality.  Yes, I’ve found ways to sustain myself, but it often gets misconcepted… all a haze.  There has to be solid ground somewhere for me to fit in, with happiness and lack of war.  There has to be something that I can honestly be proud of, and that is to write for me.  So, wherever you are I’m putting positive energy in my dream here… to be able to write all day long and to be able to peacefully live somewhere in the mountains in balance and harmony.  Universe, here I am asking you God to guide me.  I have to have a happy purpose on this earth and live in harmony.  I’m great at solving problems, but stress kills, so this is me sending out to you my dreams and my suggestions on happy and harmonious living.  This is the big picture and how I must fit in.  I would love an answer on this as this is my path.  Peace and love, tomorrow will be a day to find harmony!  I wish my blog had my name, but as of January I’m making a choice to be under a new name due to all the threats.  So far it’s working.  I hope my new name gets the attention it deserves, as this is precisely experimental and something I strive for.  To make a name, a life, and to be happy. 

Movies Recreate what we are too Weak to do… Injustices on the Social Scale: What Will YOU Do About IT???

Movies recreate what we are too weak to do.  There are two sides to most stories.  Sometimes there are more instances making it harder to spread truth smooth like butter as the shoe goes slipping into a new direction.  Though I’m very blessed, I know once in the past I was not so blessed.  I know I’m protected and am safe, yet I see others and their pain and want to bring it to light just the same as I bring what is now forward leaving my past behind for good.

Movies are there to control us in ways we don’t know.  We try to relive where humanity has messed up.  Just think about it.  How many movies have been made about Adam and Eve?  The fall of man was on those pages.  Also, think about Hitler and how many movies stimulate from that movement.  Finally, more recently we have corporations… people standing up to them, exposing their flaws.  We don’t do any of this in real life though, and if we do we are isolated in such a way that most of the stories go unknown.  Though we do have websites at our access like Glass Door to explain how ill or great we have been treated at certain jobs, we still have yet to stand up and to fight for what we believe in.  

As humans, we tend to think that a petition will be taken seriously.  Also, we tend to think that elections won’t be rigged.  With that said, we also tend to think as humans that the words of the Bible haven’t been altered.  As much as I hate to say this: what if it all has happened for decades?  What then?  We have glimpses of true stories of hero figures standing up to the masses stating their actions have adverse side effects, and that there are things that need corrected.  Like myself, they usually get their way but they are usually the only exception.  A revolution doesn’t start with one, but by the voice of one it could if others followed.  No one stands behind them usually.  This is either due to the fact they’re too comfortable behind their big screen televisions thinking what they see on the news is true (I feel so sorry for those lost souls), and if they do stand alone, their life span tends to be short. Stress could be the factor, or maybe they look like an accident others tend to believe it as such?  Their life purpose was to simply make that stand, but sometimes their names are no longer remembered.  Whatever the case may be, we try to relate, and we try to relive their story through different methods such as art, poetry, or film.  Most recently we have YouTube.  However, that’s the point I’m trying to get to: the powers that be are even threatening our very own social media.  Verizon Wireless, Comcast, and the FCC think that we as bloggers don’t pay enough… yet I strongly doubt it will get distributed.  Where is all of our money going on all of this?  Am I not the only one tired of the same old every day???  Facebook started it.  We all watched.  We watched our stories go from mainstream to popular to barely a bit of information only in seconds.  Censorship.  They started hiding our friends from us, to make sure that one would have to pay to get their name out.  I’m not blaming it all on them all, as there is much more to this puzzle that is slowly getting placed together piece by piece.  

A mother if they choose not to be one are the worst types of people in the world.  I know a mother personally who would rather go on a cruise and live a life of wealth as they feel entitled to it.  They’ve lived in poverty, yet they refuse to help their children who still are living in poverty or in some cases worse situations than that.  Their children go throughout the world of feelings– of not feeling good enough due to the absent praises from birth.  These children I feel truly sorry for, as their mothers shouldn’t have had them in the first place.  I want children, as I feel I would make a great mother.  I would give them the life that I had, and most of mothers out there are too selfish to even dare say that.  I would not have a child if I was unwilling to care for them.  It all comes to planning financially and independently to make sure my child has everything I was able to and then some.  The need to show the child that the mother cares is essential for their development for the here and now, as well as later on in life.  Though I’ve gone through so much I dare not blame my mother as she gave me everything.  

Possibly, the reason why the world is a mess is due to the fact that most parents are unfit to even call themselves as much.  They would have aborted they say in some cases.  My question for those who “could have,” aborted is this: why not give them to a family that wants them to make sure they have their best chance?  I don’t get it at all.  Though I want children, I’m not financially prepared to have them.  I take parenting classes, to make sure that I know what I’m doing on my special day I do become a parent though.  I feel most women need to take these classes– not due to my own mother taking them, but due to the fact that every parent should know what their child needs, when to discipline, and when to let go.  Focus on the Family is corrupt too.  I’m sorry, but I’ve seen many families live off of tough love.  I was in fact arm robbed by one of them not too long ago for glass pieces.  For goodness sake, the parenting is where the problem in our world starts.   for  Yet, they are the ones with the funds, and they think they deserve them.  I’m here not to take from this person, but to tell the world how I feel about others who are less than qualified to call themselves, “mothers.”  My mother personally is a blessing who has shown me to do right, strength, to make wise choices, and to make them under the parameter that I can live with them.  

Some of these women don’t want to be moms and yet they still are, shifting the responsibility to other members of their family.  They actually would rather see their own child starve and live a bountiful life than have their children having a future.  Those are the moms that disgust me.  After receiving an email of one of my readers, as well as watching some of my relatives treat their child, I can only say that we have a problem.  I will not be bullied anymore, nor do I care about them as they don’t care about me.  I will rent space in this one context this one time and say: you will one day be judged lest you change your ways.  I know this is true, and I warn you to be more caring to your own kin, as this is a reflection of yourself!  If you ask me (which you’re not obviously as you treat yourself to drink and luxury) then you will one day soon have what you deserve, and one day I will earn mine without having to take from you and we shall see who does what with what.  I’ve always tried my hardest to not be a hypocritical person.  It’s difficult to pray for these unnamed people, yet it’s easier for me to pray for the men who almost killed me.  Why is that??? I just don’t understand myself.  God help us all, please shed light where it is needed.  Please let your people no longer suffer and be shamed… Lord hear my prayers.

These are different situations.  If you want to know more about this bill they are trying to pass to remove all of us as bloggers: MoveOn.Org has a lot to say.  I will post it later, however, you all need to know there is a problem, and that we may not be able to write soon on here if we choose to do nothing.  If I or you haven’t been published, then that would mean we are censored off the net.f  Now, wouldn’t that be terrible??? Our freedom of speech already lays within a delicate balance thanks to Bush… what next and how much more can we as humans and a society take?  

Alien Abduction

I know it sounds bonkers, but I knew my origins back when I was in trouble. Though I’m looking forward, and not backwards I must write a strange past experience.

I was on drugs, and hardly ever slept. Insomnia had its cold hard grip on my sanity as it latched to my soul like a snake would a spinal cord of a rodent. I dissected my thoughts, looking for the Lord in all of the wrong places. A demand to rebel against a contemplative sinister and corrupt system with little credibility I had remaining after a series of distorted charges, determined to find the truth among liars and thieves. A truth of being a gatekeeper for the now thrashing violence of what today they’ve become. I shall not look back or testify who they are today, it’s no one’s business anyway.

As I crept into an apartment never before visited, a man’s girlfriend runs amis with another man. Mike was left for the other Mike who often spoke with his hands, with riddles, and with codes undefined to this day. The wrong crowd is the crime of myself and the other Mike, as we gazed from the third story of his wooden deck. A couple days back we had been arrested, “The gate keeper’s are out, let us bring them all in.”

“Gatekeeper,” I thought.

To what exactly, as Mike and I were absolutely lost? To this day I don’t contain knowledge of his whereabouts. What I saw was a series of hallucinations that I still can’t grasp. They call it in the middle plane of existence. I call it a mysterious subconscious and conscious moment of the unthinkable. Not even a movie could or would revisit this bazaar moment of clarity. Or maybe it’s still open for debate of my sanity raveling and unraveling in a moments notice back then.

My here and now is found by the lizard as he loves me to enjoy gifts of clear foresight. Purity as he’s albino and red eyed and I feel excited to see lizard as I gain shapeshifting abilities to expose light where it is needed. The need to blend in and live in peace is immanent.

So, as we gaze down the apartment balcony he asks, “what’s the meaning of it all?”

I respond, “God.”

We sat in silence and I saw amazing wings drifting out of the spines of tall men walking below. White and pure.

I find myself to his couch- a stranger who had let me stay to continually remain safe and untouched. The dreams that followed were of an alien with black eyes, crimson glitter below, and a white spaceship as the space we were together inside of. He passed with his mind a beautiful three – dimensional prism that contained the planet and universe in that small triangular being. He taught me to manipulate it around the white room with only thinking of it. It was amazing and insightful.

I woke the next day on the couch I had drifted off to sleep to. Mike had fallen asleep in the one bedroom nearby. A knock on the door jolted us both awake. It was a man who helped himself inside.

“Long time no see, my girlfriend and I just moved across the street. It’s strange here, as the exits are where one use to enter. Very interesting.”

I was rubbing my eyes wondering if this was real. I had just woken up moments before.

He found a seat next to me, and grabbed his iPod. He started to show me pictures of a woman who looked much like me, throughout time. It had been a long time since I’ve truly been home I thought.

The man finally approached the last slide, and he looked at me and said, “oops.” It displayed the photo of the alien I was meditating with the night before!  Strange indeed, as Alice goes further into the rabbit hole. Well, no one will ever believe me anyway I thought.

The man invited us to his apartment, like old friends getting reacquainted. We followed him into the basement apartment across the way. He had technology I haven’t seen to this day. I’m still curious about it as it contained inside of it content I still probably wouldn’t understand, but try I would!

He pointed at the screen, and said, “it’s like this… The blue one spins and spins, the yellow one spins until a time, and the green one is your planet.”

Rubbing my eyes, I was so confused. What is this? Why must I be the green set to repeat over and over? Why can’t I be like the blue one and spin around? Why not the white one I thought? Instead I’m a green circle repeating over and over. I told him to get lost and called him a derogatory name due to my lack of understanding. I didn’t know what message he was conveying nor did I think it appropriate to allow someone in my mind that much.

Mike and I left. Curious as we were sent to keep gates to who knows – what.

The time is nearing though as clarity sinks in as does the inability to be affected by outside negativity. Purity. Love. Direction.

Yet I still pray, this is all truth and my account to something that happened to reveal partial truths of the inner power I have. One seal among twelve. I have yet to know what the seal contains, but a faith that will only continue to grow.  Angels some call it. Whether Human or Angel remains to be seen as we create our destiny and fine tune it.

My love for purity remains, the need for guidance is a daily ritual. The interpretation is lost, but the knowledge that I’m pure by a lizard shows me only I hold the keys to doors I will come to one day when I’m ready.

When my grandmother left she told me something before she crossed.

“When the rain falls, it washes across the sky. The flowers bloom and the birds start to sing. You, child will know the rest when it’s time.”

Predictions or manifestation are becoming easier. Now if I can multiply my bank account or my family’s then I can own the place in the mountains in my dreams. Though I haven’t found it yet, I know I’m meant to be there. One baby step at a time as I make way for the future.

Though the past isn’t forgotten, today is what I have. Though I’m not promised a tomorrow, we all learn. We are all secret agents sent by God to do His work. If you are lost, ask and you’ll always receive. Though time is relative I would record you’ve been here more than once to get it right. We decide when to come down, and we decide where to go from there.

Peace and love all. My future is not written in the majority of this but an interpretation of life in the past. Though God is in my future, confusion is the past as my power animal changed. Serpents can be pure if white. If green look out. This serpent told me my past is gone. I woke up feeling healed, and praise God. Don’t be fooled about my words, as dreams can fool or inform. For me, I woke up to more power and purpose but we all are different and our choices have a massive affect if we acknowledge them or not.

Sunday Reflection on a Monday

Mother’s Day was yesterday, and I spent some time with my mother who I’m blessed to still have.  My grandmother is missed during these times, and she left us in 2009.  Though the pain of losing a loved one is still in me, my direction has been guided I believe from her.  My mother is a huge inspiration to me, as she once told me as a struggling High School student that if I graduated with my class, she would work a job and buy me my first diamond ring.  I still wear it as my “graduation ring” to this day though I don’t have one from high school itself, its symbolic to hard work and dedication that only a mother provides.

My dreams have been plentiful, and my dreams have provided me direction.  I had a dream of a white lizard on a leash by the police, the lizard ran away from them, and I was trying to help them find it.  It was an albino and I have done a lot of research on dreams and what their true meaning is.  Looking ahead, I can no longer look into the past.  My purity is revealed by those red eyes staring at me in the dream world showing me that though I’m an individual I blend in.  Through the help of God I have chosen my path: Human Services, then going into Law School.  I’m very excited to have been forgiven for the past, and blessed to have such a wonderful future.  My other dream was for my book to be published, but I have a lot of work ahead of me, so I must keep this brief.

Though you have held my hand and collaborated my ideas with me,
I know that you want the best and for me to help humanity.
My strength comes from you and from my father,
To tell me to keep at it and to never again falter.
My clarity and visions were a gift from God above
To tell me to always look forward never fogetting my struggles, and humanity to love.
I love the shelter you provide, through your dedication it encourages,
And if I end up short of funds, I shall walk barefoot to the whitehouse and not flourish.
My love for you begins to reveal my destiny path only you seem to see
And for a love for my mothery love to fulfill my truest path of destiny.
Reach for the moon, and wind of amonst the stars,
Though we are a few cities apart, you know that I’m never to be too far.
I love you mom, and thank you, you don’t get the respect you often deserve,
For a mother, and for a creator of life of a blessing I have unearthed.
Inborn talents you’ve given me, and encrougement along the way
Though my life has been full of hardships, I know for my past lives I’ve payed.
Thank you for kindness and for life I say may peace be with you
God is with you all my friends, and today we must live the moment and face the issues.
Though you may see what others do not, don’t get lost along the way,
I asked God how I would complete it all, and he told me never to go astray.
On top of the mountains in Heaven, I remember the Creator
And he told me to accomplish all of this, and for that I do remember.

Love you mom, and thank you for the clarity and for the strength and life.  I cannot comprehend in words how much you have shown me my rights from wrongs, and how to keep trucking.  Thank you God for such a kind mother, and kind life and know that I know where I am to go from here.  Love you all and may peace be with you always!!!

Acts of Kindness

Acts of kindness go a long way.  There are many who need that extra advice, or that ride from jail… whatever it may be it is always good to practice as followers of the Lord.  I’ve received many signs lately not to go into Human Services as a Masters degree, and to fulfill my dream going into law.  My strong urge to fit into psychology and to help others swamps my feelings and thoughts as my love to debate and to argue are what makes me an individual.  I’ve spoken to so many lately, and we all know what the problem is and yet still cannot find solutions.  It is my belief most of those in power have sold their souls, yet who am I to judge.  Can someone be political and be upright or is there no such thing? 

I see things others do not, and can point it out.  Most of the time, they seem to think I’m paranoid, but those who know what I’m speaking is the truth they know my intelligence of the big picture is a gift.  Most who haven’t walked a less than tattered path know mostly nothing, yes this is supposed to be passive aggressive.  Yes, this is suppose to be contradictory.  I don’t want them to suffer, but to be wise.  Suffering and wisdom seem to go hand in hand.  It’s sad but the truth. 

I drove a man from jail today who had charges much like my husband.  It is only a matter of time before I find a way to truly advocate for the people, and to find my own income the right way instead of going about it the wrong way.  Souless people pass, and I see them.  I see men without faces placing roses upon rose sites.  Let the dead bury the dead.  Let the souless roam, but not to hurt others and to not hurt themselves.  Let them find their souls and let them be good.  Yet, again it’s still my right to not let them in and to know that my judgements must be placed carefully on what is upright in the Lord’s eyes and who is not.  The need for becoming an instrument in a good way I know will be what makes me happy.  I shall take baby steps, and shall leave no stone unturned as always.  I shall know before they pass, and shall know them by name before they go.  I shall have this knowledge as it was provided by God.

I had a scary dream last night.  I was in New York, and the pit had opened.  What lies within New York as a warning sign and why this dream I have no idea.  I can only contemplate it as I write, to say what the interpretations are unknown.  Many things are unknown, and I will sit and wait and ponder with my thoughts, and pray once again for wisdom from within and from only God.  The truth shall set you free, but to keep it in will cause insanity unless God is on your side and knows your cries.  An all time low can also be turned around, and will become my destiny.  Not to fear, but to love, and to be free and loving so that I can help my fellow man.  Inspiration comes from all places, and I shall be the light surrounded  by the darkness.  Most of the things traumatized in life have been taken away and kept away.  I see the truth of what I begged for years ago, and see them finally shedding light upon them.  Politics do not scare me, and I will be the voice for the people as I too hear some of their cries.  I know what I’m to do, take baby steps for the ride to come, and to leave nothing to chance but to allow God and destiny to fill my life with love and protection always.

A Couple Weeks off is Nearing

As I finish my finals, I realize that I am going to have a couple of weeks off.  Thank goodness!  Though my grades aren’t the greatest, I’ve done a lot of research about great people with radical views to change the world and leave an imprint of making this a better place.  My ideals in psychology and helping others tends to grow on a large scale leaving me a huge dream and shoes to fill.  Although I’m only into my first two years in school while nearing my 30’s I realize that at least I didn’t get the wrong degree stuck miserable in a job for a lifetime of which doesn’t reflect my life purpose at all. 

Journalism was my origional choice, though as it seems I would have had to invent my very own newspaper.  Photojournalism is my hobby, and just got a few photos published of which you can see on a previous article I wrote earlier today.  It was such a blessing, and helped me decide though I’m not using these skills all of the time, I will more often thanks to the encouragement.  Though I feel the need to use a pen name due to so many scammers out there, and for my privacy, I know most of you do the same thing.  It’s sad we have to hide our talents from our true names and identity, however, I’m not shaken a bit by the face I’ve obtained a law office to help repair my credit history, and have a strong faith I’ll be someone’s right hand man (or woman) in the world of politics in the near future.  I love marketing, principals of what humanity needs, and have a less than tattered past which helps me be like a human lie detector, but also helps me shed light upon the individuals who seemingly mislead many for their own financial gain.  It’s sad the way some think.  It’s also sad most of these folks aren’t women, nor do they know the burdens of being a woman.  My life is all about turning negatives into positives so that I can one day share a brilliant and wonderful story to provide hope to others in such a diversified background. 

I have huge ideas and one of them is to create a website to reflect how employees are treated within a job.  My state is, “right to work,” which indicatates you also have a right to be treated like crap.  Not all companies are bad, but many aren’t that great either.  Though I want to work in a position which doesn’t reflect hostility for a collaboration of great ideas, I yearn to not have these ideas stolen by a manager who just sits on their romp and appears unqualified.  I’m sure that you all have been there, as have I in this right to work state.  It is my right to also after leaving the job or position to reveal secrets about how I was treated.  Though this is legal and not exposing “trade secrets,” and still being an activism for human rights, this need grows.  What if we were to have a website which would provide transparency to one another of why our tarnished names by “company X” were so miserable?  Wouldn’t that be a way to create justice?  Not only socially, but hold responsible and accountable stories in a legal sense.  That may make the world better yet, and now is the best time to create such a site, so if you’re interested in collaborating some ideas, or just want to talk, my email is:

Though I’m not studying any of this now, I realize I see things on such a large picture, my goals have changed and I will reach for the moon, and wind of among the stars as it’s my destiny.  Personal numerology?  I’m a nine destiny number which only shows the examples of so much leadership to grab hold of and to run with.  It is a huge blessing to have huge shoes to follow through my life’s work even with a later start than I should have.  It is said that everything happens for a reason.  I’ve revealed good and bad candidates while this election season unfolds.  Though I don’t know that we are going about socialism with Capitalist points of view, I still feel that the fat cat gets fatter. 

It’s all over the news, but I wanted to demonstrate an example: women being mistreated due to their pasts, or due to the fact they’ve been molested.  Since April was sexual awareness month, I continue to write about my own story on how I was affected, not only on an emotional level, but on a personal and spiritual level as well.  My goal is to make others tollerant, more honest and forthright, and to believe in something outside of themselves.  I recently saw a funny story of a man who wore a pasta strainer as his religious belief.  Though I don’t know how he manifested that on his drivers license out of all things, it is beautiful that he struggled in what he thought to be right.  As Christians, and followers of the Christ, it is our jobs to make a stand even if everyone apposes us.  Some of us will make it to the top with these beliefs, while others of us sadly won’t have their stories heard.  I have reason to believe I will help those stories which have been ignored one day be heard.

Meditation is key, and so is prayer.  If you find yourselves watching more TV than producing what you were put on this earth to do, or find yourselves miserable in a job I only say this: no one is forcing you to live a life of misery and if we can step into light in His eyes, He will be there to catch us when we fall.  We always will fall, but we will always be caught right at the right time before we are about to give up.  I’ve seen this true time and time again.  Though my thoughts and prayers and even needs change on a daily basis, I ask of you all to inner reflect these things and you only know what your personal truths are, I can’t tell it all for you.  You are the secret agent on your own mission through life to awake to your life’s purpose.  If you see some things, and justify they are wrong, don’t fear to stand up and say so– that may be why you’re here.  I’ve found that to be true on my story and life many times and though I don’t succeed all of the time, most great folks don’t succeed right away either.  Every success story I’ve found has had a process where they just about gave up at times.  What seperates us all?  They didn’t give up!  They also knew what they wanted in life, and went for it never taking, “no,” for an answer.  I’m telling you, I’ve stumbled many times even in this year as I write, go to school, and learn.  Why won’t you just look into things and if you aren’t happy go back to school and waken to your life purpose and your true potential.  Granted also most very unique individuals you see haven’t attended school but have had inborn talents.  So do you!!!  There is no difference, and the signs are all around you.  It is your job to place them together much like a jigsaw puzzle.  Life is ups and downs, and is beauty and exposure of not so pretty.  Maybe you too will find truth in the words I say?  Maybe one day you’ll wake up and just know what you’re supposed to do.  That’s much like my story, as I continue as a radical and expect exceptional experiences and loving situations.  Why?  Due to my life story: turning negatives into positives I’ve found truth.  If I didn’t go through such diversity, I wouldn’t know consiquence nor would I know the difference between truth and fantasy!  Love yourself, help yourself, and stand up for yourself.  There is only one life: your life to live.  So grasp it, don’t let go, and don’t give up!

Life is a maze of chaos and beauty,
Through His love, and through our duty
As human beings of light and of love
It is our message to contain worthiness from that dove
A symbole of peace, never manipulated
Our truths are ours don’t let them be understated.
You are unique and strong and wise
Don’t give up or let in their lies.
When you are ready, you too shall be free
You will one day awaken and know life’s destiny.
We are beings of light and of love
Scare away the shadows ask Him and He will deliver it from above.
Stay focused and ask for solutions on what to change and what you can’t
But the seeds today you are persuaded to plant
For a loving life, hope, and of strength
I wrote this on a journal and recopied it from ink
My journals they grow each and every day
To expose the Eternal in each and every way.
Love thy neighbor only if they are good
Don’t spend or waste time on those who’re dark but you should-
Pray for the afflicted each and every night
So the sun will shine again for us and love will be
The return favor of our destiny to remain free.

I hope this inspired some, and if not then my apologies.  This was an inner reflection… I must get back to my homework as I’m on finals week and am really ready for a break for a couple of weeks before I go back for Summer 2014 Classes 🙂