Cleaning up Messes:

There are many issues I face on a personal matter, on an emotional matter, and on a spiritual matter.  There are issues that go on, of others pulling the wool over my eyes.  Have you ever seen that there is no honesty in this world.  There needs to be though as I am honest, and was set up to fail.  There are so many things I have to resolve from years ago that I didn’t know about.  Hackers hit my account, there are other issues going on.  I mean, have you ever heard of my life really?  I’m writing it all on a novel of which I’m not putting on the internet, but my whole life as of late has been a sham.  A lie.  A hoax.  Here I was thinking that I would make my “big break,” and here I am worse than ever.  I’m a writer, have made trustworty friends, but have also been manipulated so much to the point where I see the big picture, but don’t know where to go from there.  What do you do when you realize taxes, criminal charges faced, etc. Were all a sham?  I’ve been bullied, and am writing for my therapy.  I was so destracted and upset, I could not see the wall before me.  I am in need of people on my side, and I see it this way: I’ve not hurt anyone, not done a thing against anyone, yet I’m suffering greatly.  Now is a time to focus on me, to network, and to go back to school.  Guess I’ll take a nap now to clear my head.  Though accupuncture works, it really does make some things worse.  I’m tired with problems and I’m sick due to stress.  I thank God for those who have helped me, and value them more than I value others… this isn’t a problem to me, but a sign to move on. 

This is Hellen Reaves signing off for now, hoping to God to have resolution in the end… as the world spins, we find ourselves in the middle.  Peace and love.

Acts of Kindness

Acts of kindness go a long way.  There are many who need that extra advice, or that ride from jail… whatever it may be it is always good to practice as followers of the Lord.  I’ve received many signs lately not to go into Human Services as a Masters degree, and to fulfill my dream going into law.  My strong urge to fit into psychology and to help others swamps my feelings and thoughts as my love to debate and to argue are what makes me an individual.  I’ve spoken to so many lately, and we all know what the problem is and yet still cannot find solutions.  It is my belief most of those in power have sold their souls, yet who am I to judge.  Can someone be political and be upright or is there no such thing? 

I see things others do not, and can point it out.  Most of the time, they seem to think I’m paranoid, but those who know what I’m speaking is the truth they know my intelligence of the big picture is a gift.  Most who haven’t walked a less than tattered path know mostly nothing, yes this is supposed to be passive aggressive.  Yes, this is suppose to be contradictory.  I don’t want them to suffer, but to be wise.  Suffering and wisdom seem to go hand in hand.  It’s sad but the truth. 

I drove a man from jail today who had charges much like my husband.  It is only a matter of time before I find a way to truly advocate for the people, and to find my own income the right way instead of going about it the wrong way.  Souless people pass, and I see them.  I see men without faces placing roses upon rose sites.  Let the dead bury the dead.  Let the souless roam, but not to hurt others and to not hurt themselves.  Let them find their souls and let them be good.  Yet, again it’s still my right to not let them in and to know that my judgements must be placed carefully on what is upright in the Lord’s eyes and who is not.  The need for becoming an instrument in a good way I know will be what makes me happy.  I shall take baby steps, and shall leave no stone unturned as always.  I shall know before they pass, and shall know them by name before they go.  I shall have this knowledge as it was provided by God.

I had a scary dream last night.  I was in New York, and the pit had opened.  What lies within New York as a warning sign and why this dream I have no idea.  I can only contemplate it as I write, to say what the interpretations are unknown.  Many things are unknown, and I will sit and wait and ponder with my thoughts, and pray once again for wisdom from within and from only God.  The truth shall set you free, but to keep it in will cause insanity unless God is on your side and knows your cries.  An all time low can also be turned around, and will become my destiny.  Not to fear, but to love, and to be free and loving so that I can help my fellow man.  Inspiration comes from all places, and I shall be the light surrounded  by the darkness.  Most of the things traumatized in life have been taken away and kept away.  I see the truth of what I begged for years ago, and see them finally shedding light upon them.  Politics do not scare me, and I will be the voice for the people as I too hear some of their cries.  I know what I’m to do, take baby steps for the ride to come, and to leave nothing to chance but to allow God and destiny to fill my life with love and protection always.

Tolerance: I have Something to Say about Leadership and the Here and now…

I need a stage and a podium. I see people making jack asses of one another and I have something to say here.

Our leaders are failing us all in many ways. I want so bad to be part of the solution so I yell hey! I have something to say here.

I watch bigots not being tolerant of one another yet they lead us? And I’m supposed to go to school to become like what… like them? I have something to say here!

When all that gushes from their lips are insults, fake promises, tyranny, and creates more corporate greed? You guessed hey, I have something to say here.

When it gets old and you’ve had enough of being a slave to the same old stuff I say hey, I have something to say here.

When their children are no longer part of the education system reform yet they want your girls and boys to be a part of it I have something to say here.

When our leaders are intolerant yet we are told to have nothing but tolerance of what they do and say I have something to say.

So should you. You know the media is afraid to yell it. You too should have something to say. Live in fear? I dare not. We only live once! You too should have something to say!

If I have to go through another two or four years of the same I might explode so God help me I have something to say.

I have been plagued by truth not propaganda yet I’m to keep my mouth shut no I have to speak up so help me I have something to say here. You too should have something to say!

Sunday Reflection: By Hellen J. Reaves

My focus has always been to help others throughout life.  I’ve been lost, have been lied to along the way, and have been harmed in many ways yet when most are surprised I still stand I only ask how I can acheive the greatness I know is in my life path and destiny.  My faith doesn’t alter, and I pray to only have those who can give me wisdom, and have found that much.  However, this wisdom seems to not have solutions as of yet not only on a personal matter, but on a professional matter.  As I make great strides on primarily focusing on education, goals, and the service of helping others that need grows.  I love to help others, and when I’m not aligned with it, am unhappy.  Although I’m eternally greatful I ask for solutions.  The truth of my toxicity that I’ve been exposed to since such a young age tells me two things: 1) I’m very blessed, and thankful to be alive to the point to where I feel I can see those needs of others.  2) How to impliment said knowledge, and where to be in the world to do so as I very much do believe in most systems and respect them.  I want to help evolve them further though and want to help so much that I’ve been struggling with the career paths.  Therapy versus becoming an attorney and helping advocate for the rights of others rises and falls upon everyday.  I ask for the path to become a little more bold before me, to ensure I’m on my true life path as that is where the happiness lies.  Do finances matter the most to me?  No, I’ve lived in poverty much of my life, but in the same breath have also realized the more finances you have to support your own ideas the better it tends to go in the directional path of choice.  I can reach people maybe due to the fact I’ve had such toxins in my own life.  Though my support group and acquantence group grows, I try my best to offend no one and try to place that “filter” on my words I say as I’ve realized how much the power of words comes to play.  Not only due to my own illnesses, but over listening to others.  Truths have revealed themselves to me slowly and gently as that’s what I need at this point as I near my thirties I would suppose the term for femails especially is a “mid-life” sort of event where you look upon your life and tell yourself, “there must be more and clear purpose of why I’m here and why I speak with the amazing people I have as of late.  All I can truly say is, “thank you.” 

I’ve lost many friends as of late due to acts of violence, and also have been told that I’m to hide my truest identity and purpose as they only look into my interest and the interest of others (safety is key as well not only of myself, but of others). So many secrets to hold close to ones heart, but at the same time I want to impliment them in a positive way and hold respectful for their own acts of kindness.  Am I who I have been for long?  No!  I’ve had to pick myself up many times, brush myself off, and keep going.  Doesn’t that make me different from others?  Doesn’t that make me different with how I carry myself?  I don’t want my secrets exposed by the world either, but do want compassion as I feel that’s important.  To revolutionize psychology, and the way we handle things may help others on such a large scale but the need for like-minded to find me and show support back grows and grows.  I know I’m blessed to have come this far, and to gain momentum.  The fact remains that my past is not what should dictate who I am to be in the future, and will prove myself to be trustworthy on many levels.  I was told by my own school therapist that due to the past events, sometimes it’s better to work in the background of “psycobabble,” as we refer to it as.  Would I make a heck of a Public Figure, as well as a defense for those who cannot speak for themselves?  Yes!  I want this so very badly, but was cautioned in my dreams as well as cautioned in real life, and feel I still have to take babysteps. 

Would you believe I learn everything backwards?  I learned how to crawl backwards as an infant, learned more recently how to paint a room in my home backward as it turns out, and have learned how to mix things up in my mind “dyslexia,” but I continue to grow, and continue to grow.  It is my personal secret, and is mine and my readers alone.  Most recently, I was hacked, and have realized some who have been in my life haven’t looked out for my best interests.  I constantly wonder if that would be different if I were in a different place?  Out of State tuition is so expensive, and due to my own financial background and knowlege I was destined for great things has kept me going.  I know you all as writers, and readers can identify this to be true.  I know also that you have faced struggles, and am honestly contemplating working on my own memoire.  I have such a diversified story, and have not uncovered my personal truth as much as maybe an outsiders perspective?  I know that many are finding out I exist, and many have found ways to work with me, however, I only hope on peacefully resolving some of the problems and to not offend but to help aid those who are in trouble and to allow me the privelage to help others on a level where I’m needed by the world.  A wise quote (don’t remember by whom, once said), “sometimes, you are the solution to the changes you can only see due to your life’s purpose.”  I hope for the prayers, positive energies, etc for that to ring true in this time of sincere need.  Not to be a maytre, but truly an advocate for those who need it.  As long as I’m truly on my own life path, I know the funds will fall into place.  I have faith, and am growing wiser by the day… not to implement the things uncovered and to continue to learn and to grow is essential to me now.

Love you all, sorry not a poem today but a piece of wisdom as inner reflection transpires!

Hacked but Remain Faithful

I was wondering if anyone else been hacked by cyber threats? I’m immediately to report my phone calls and other suspicious activities to the FBI my friends, as these people not only seem of local, but of far away content.  I have run many scans, and have deemed many threats.  I screen my phone calls, I protect myself as much as I can!  How many of you have experienced such things?

Upon my call from Accelerated Web Solutions, this seems to have originated the issue for me at least… much of my most loyal readers do know that I experienced an offer some time back and then they will be forced to give my money back as they were less than law-abiding, and they exchanged words with my spouse who is now incarcerated.  As there are surely “good hackers,” and they aren’t all bad, I reach out as I know most of the high school have to learn these tools now a days.  I only wish I received a certification on such things as this is getting out of control!  I was told to contact the FBI once I uncover who they are, and will say for the record, that if you aren’t for me, then you are against me and I will find a way to fight you all.

I went to visit my spouse incarcerated and an older gentleman told me to “get out my tin cup…” after opening the door for me showing me good will.  I ask why I’m being treated like this from the world as surely this man is either the devil, or has a lot of support from the powers that be.  I know that Weld County is under “investigation” as they are surely not doing some of their actions by the book.  There are good people as well as bad, but I don’t know who to trust but God and Jesus my creator.  I just wish there was more kindness being displayed, as there are many who just don’t “get it.”

I would also like to divulge to you all, as I read your posts on security threats, and can honestly say that Comcast just might be taking over a lot of our services nationwide, but they have been very helpful.  Just like any business that is successful, there are bound to display a few hateful nasty people and there are bound also a few  “good hackers,” as well.  I just don’t know what to do about all of this malicious activity as there has to be a solution?

I fear that some are bad and maybe compromising the wrong folks. I ask only God to protect His people, and to guide us through such turbulent times. I will let you all know what does go on but to fear man isn’t a thing I can continue. Surely there are still good folks out there. I just have to dig a little deeper to find them and to fight for what is my belief as I always have.


Loving art as I yearn for a better day. I’m working on a protesting piece actually that will provide a thought on my truest stand on distaste for politics and of liars- as defined they may have the money now but they surely also have the corruption. They choose to look the other way from the poor. I wanted to go into public service at a time, but as I grew more intelligent I had chosen the career path in Human Services. Colorado is embezzling 2.3 million in departments such as these, yet we wonder why we have so many shootings and so much violence. Due again one would surely suspect due to lack of compassion. Do the shootings not unveil that there are many problems in our midst? Corruption just now talked about with recent comments of taking many months to decide where the funds they embezzle go. Directly affected myself as it was my funds and those around me of their hard earned cash the government chose to take. I expect a giant check as should the rest of everyone else. I plan on a revolution in psychology as I work on my protest piece for recent events transpiring showing a huge form of bigotry from the powers that be in Colorado. With so many lies unveiled I take it personally as it is my hard earned money as it is my neighbors. We should march barefoot to show them we are not to be broken. Surely that walk with bare feet would be free! Protesting a stance that it’s not okay to argue over where they go as it is transparency they seek. Those powers that be of guilt should surely feel sorrow as the poor. I work on my collage and will post pictures of this collaboration soon in the nearest future.

Sunday Inner Reflections: Warning Song to the Corrupt!

What have you done?
Oh rising sun,
What have you done?
Upon this day?

What have you seen,
To have such greed?
Your evil deeds- won’t buy
Into Heaven’s gate!

What will you do,
Oh old and new?
When time rewinds
To reflect your own doom!

The powers that be
Are corrupt with greed
The powers that be
Will reflect damned destiny!

You say you must,
Rule o’er us.
You claim it’s just
But it’s not the way!

As we are to grow,
Tired of your toil
Bad slave master rots
As does your soil!

You surely won’t
Continue to dictate.
We ask our state,
Wisen to these words- or disintagrate

Now listen to us,
To leave you must.
Or the winds will gust,
You to prison of fire you the injust!

Do you get a lot of unwanted calls? Script That May Make You $$$!!!

I don’t normally do this type of writing, however found it pertinent as I’m being directed into journalism class.  My major is an Associate of Arts, and my need grows to educate others for their betterment.  With that said, there are surely many calls that come through that are unwanted by many, am I correct?  Well, I use to be a marketing fanatic in my past life and feel destined to educate you on what these folks can do and what they cannot do.  Much of the time, it is illegal activity through and through.  This includes bill collectors- as I did a bankruptcy last year and learned the hard way on this type of harassment; includes also advertising to your private residence; and finally for those darn political calls (I like to let my voice to be heard but realize many of you do not like these either.

Firstly, we will start out with the bill collectors as I realize the likeliness of most being in debt within the states is tipping over more and more by the day.  These types of calls once forced a thrifty woman from one-hundred-twenty pounds weight, down to eighy-six pounds of weight as whenever I went to bite into a sandwitch they would surely be the ones to call.  After that call took place I was no longer hungry and lost my apetite no matter what the gourmet dish provided.  I decided to cry feeling the sense of helplessness.  Surely there are many of you who cannot eat due to stress.  However, even in debt man or woman alike must eat.  This is what you can say legally to them, forcing them to take you off the list even if you owe them an amount of funds: “I’m requesting that the only way I will respond from this day forward is through the postal mail.  If you are in fact who you say you are, then you have all of my information there in front of you, and can take me off your list and place your communications through the mailing system given to us by USPS.”  If they disagree, or do not have your information, do not provide it to them!  It is your right to have peace while you try to relax from your day at work, no matter who you are or how much they claim that you owe.  If they refuse to do so, get their information (first and last name if they will provide it), their business name (again, they may not provide that either but that’s why we have reverse phone look ups- which may possibly be how they got your information in the first place), get the state they are calling out of and city (again, skip tracing could come in handy with cases like these), and finally let them know that if they do not send your written communication that they understand they are not to contact you through means of the telephone any longer in the time frame of 30 days starting the next day, you will take them to small claims court and sue them for their harassment (yes, it only costs $50 for most small claims courts and much of the time, they will settle with you without having to go to the media).  I hope this helps those of you who are in debt.

Secondly, we will talk about those who advertise, whether it involves finances or not.  Again, ask for their name, company name, (this is a game, so sound interested at first to make sure you get the information, phone number, and company name you will need to fuel your ammunition to be used later on if need be).  Then tell them this: “Mr. Smith, I would like for you to take my name off of your list, and am demanding you send me a copy of my information on this ‘do not call list’ in the next thirty days.  If you do not send me said requested list within the thirty days, and continue to contact me I will take this to small claims court.”  What’s the scoop?  So, when you are receiving call after call of advertising, they have to have your information… right?  Well then they also have access to skip tracing, and they also have access to a do not call list as required by federal law!  Therefore, they have within 72 hours to take your name off of the list as required also by federal law, and they also have access to the mailing system if they are who they say they are.  These are things most employers who employ tellemarketors don’t take seriously, but I’ve witnessed many a time where the company even had to find another name of business it got that bad.  They aren’t allowed to call you at all upon this request after the 72 hours, and if they don’t provide you your mail you requested in the timely 30 days, you have every right to sue them too.  Please also take into account what your state and local laws are for telemarketing in your area.  If they don’t oblidge to this, they will have lost more than just your business, but they will also have steep penalties and fees set forth.  In my state they have to say to me, “this call is being monitored and recorded for quality and training purposes,” (or something very close to that verbage as required by local and federal law.  This will make them leave you alone if they are smart, if not, then once again you take your $50 and file with small claims court. 

Lastly, we will discuss our lovely politicians as they surely have to obide by the law right?  Much of the time, the same script can be used for them, or they usually have a number to forward to you to ensure you are removed from said list. 

Lets face it, we blog on here and our information isn’t always safe.  Someone got a hold of me from in my area asking me if I wanted to be roommates thousands of miles from where we reside.  I don’t know how someone got a hold of my informaiton from a college from New York as I do live in Colorado, however, the gentleman claimed he couldn’t give me the information he received my own information on.  I will be skip tracing myself, however, doubtful on finding anything.  Always document your phone calls, as if you do not document them then you will have to get a lawyer involved. Then they will take 30% off the top of your claim.  I’m not trying to be greedy, but am here to educate you on what they can and cannot get away with.

I wrote this all down, as most of the students in my college have heard me act out whenever these calls happen when we are studying.  They requested me to provide them a script, and inspired me to write this on my blog to make sure that everyone has a peace of mind and can concentrate on the importance of life.  Much of the time, the people on the other side of the phone are not as educated as yourself as they: 1) don’t have a blog 2) are not aware of the local, state, and federal laws 3) are providing harassment unknowingly, but you can let them know how they are affecting you (and are violating your rights), and your life by conducting the recital of the above information and use it to your benefit.  I hope that this will help you, and if you are from another country trying to contact others in the states, now you know how to cover yourself and your employer. 

With all said, I hope everyone has a happy and peaceful day!  I felt the need to write this as I had three calls from New York back to back, and have a feeling one of these scam artists I got my money back from (who falsely promoted themselves and their bottom line I debunked some time back; lets just say their money back garantee wasn’t there until my spouse and myself got hotheaded and told them what codes and laws they were violating… sore loosers at best) they probably had decided to do something truly stupid and sell my information as I wasn’t worth something to them.  I know that most bloggers will have someone hack into their personal information at some point in their lives, however, fuel yourself with knowledge rather than feelings of hopelesness, and it will surely provide you peace or funds at the finish line for sure!

As artists, we tend to dislike destractions- so use them to your advantage, and use them when need be.  I’m giving you full permission on how to make money online or offline garanteed at the expense of harassing and sometimes menacing phone calls.  I hope you wore your armer, and that you have a very blessed day I have to run to school now as I need my Summer schedule!  Love you readers, ME! Muah!

Tis True About The States: H2O

Tis True About the states,
The consumers and their expense.
My water tastes and smells like oil
Time to pray for my penance.
I do feel very dirty
Due to their greed displayed
Although I’ll live til thirty
I wouldn’t doubt my death far away.
They like making money
With fracking and with oil
I think they’d look a little funny
To choke and reap what they sew.
I dislike having bad news
All the time you see the story
Yet they speak propaganda
On the news yet they’re the fools.
I don’t want to drink their poison
I really wish you could smell
Shouting out off rooftops
No changes that I could tell.
Knowing that I’m not crazy
Or pregnant or sensitive
issues keep on turning up hazy
My stomach sick I continue to live.
Why they keep us all around
To drink this I don’t know.
Is it all over town?
38,000 gallons of oil.
They say it’s due to flooding
Yet physical geology
Claims the results are stunning
And the oil a mystery.
I refuse to drink my H2O this eve
Britta filter protect me now
From the poison in my drink.
I stayed up all night to study
But my insomnia doesn’t link
To the fact I don’t want it in my body
But educate others I must- I shall!
I want to move where health is good
Where like-minded people are
Maybe in a different country
That uses far less oil or none at all!
So for tonight I bid you
A good four hours to go
Before I get up fresh start a new
The truth I must tell as I growl.
Goodnight and peace yo
My friends long gone to bed
I will have lucid dreams
Of one day dying due to greed they have.
It’s all numbers and figures
The betterment of the people they don’t want.
Yet I want to slap them all
Forcing water down their pipes I’ll shove!