Movies Recreate what we are too Weak to do… Injustices on the Social Scale: What Will YOU Do About IT???

Movies recreate what we are too weak to do.  There are two sides to most stories.  Sometimes there are more instances making it harder to spread truth smooth like butter as the shoe goes slipping into a new direction.  Though I’m very blessed, I know once in the past I was not so blessed.  I know I’m protected and am safe, yet I see others and their pain and want to bring it to light just the same as I bring what is now forward leaving my past behind for good.

Movies are there to control us in ways we don’t know.  We try to relive where humanity has messed up.  Just think about it.  How many movies have been made about Adam and Eve?  The fall of man was on those pages.  Also, think about Hitler and how many movies stimulate from that movement.  Finally, more recently we have corporations… people standing up to them, exposing their flaws.  We don’t do any of this in real life though, and if we do we are isolated in such a way that most of the stories go unknown.  Though we do have websites at our access like Glass Door to explain how ill or great we have been treated at certain jobs, we still have yet to stand up and to fight for what we believe in.  

As humans, we tend to think that a petition will be taken seriously.  Also, we tend to think that elections won’t be rigged.  With that said, we also tend to think as humans that the words of the Bible haven’t been altered.  As much as I hate to say this: what if it all has happened for decades?  What then?  We have glimpses of true stories of hero figures standing up to the masses stating their actions have adverse side effects, and that there are things that need corrected.  Like myself, they usually get their way but they are usually the only exception.  A revolution doesn’t start with one, but by the voice of one it could if others followed.  No one stands behind them usually.  This is either due to the fact they’re too comfortable behind their big screen televisions thinking what they see on the news is true (I feel so sorry for those lost souls), and if they do stand alone, their life span tends to be short. Stress could be the factor, or maybe they look like an accident others tend to believe it as such?  Their life purpose was to simply make that stand, but sometimes their names are no longer remembered.  Whatever the case may be, we try to relate, and we try to relive their story through different methods such as art, poetry, or film.  Most recently we have YouTube.  However, that’s the point I’m trying to get to: the powers that be are even threatening our very own social media.  Verizon Wireless, Comcast, and the FCC think that we as bloggers don’t pay enough… yet I strongly doubt it will get distributed.  Where is all of our money going on all of this?  Am I not the only one tired of the same old every day???  Facebook started it.  We all watched.  We watched our stories go from mainstream to popular to barely a bit of information only in seconds.  Censorship.  They started hiding our friends from us, to make sure that one would have to pay to get their name out.  I’m not blaming it all on them all, as there is much more to this puzzle that is slowly getting placed together piece by piece.  

A mother if they choose not to be one are the worst types of people in the world.  I know a mother personally who would rather go on a cruise and live a life of wealth as they feel entitled to it.  They’ve lived in poverty, yet they refuse to help their children who still are living in poverty or in some cases worse situations than that.  Their children go throughout the world of feelings– of not feeling good enough due to the absent praises from birth.  These children I feel truly sorry for, as their mothers shouldn’t have had them in the first place.  I want children, as I feel I would make a great mother.  I would give them the life that I had, and most of mothers out there are too selfish to even dare say that.  I would not have a child if I was unwilling to care for them.  It all comes to planning financially and independently to make sure my child has everything I was able to and then some.  The need to show the child that the mother cares is essential for their development for the here and now, as well as later on in life.  Though I’ve gone through so much I dare not blame my mother as she gave me everything.  

Possibly, the reason why the world is a mess is due to the fact that most parents are unfit to even call themselves as much.  They would have aborted they say in some cases.  My question for those who “could have,” aborted is this: why not give them to a family that wants them to make sure they have their best chance?  I don’t get it at all.  Though I want children, I’m not financially prepared to have them.  I take parenting classes, to make sure that I know what I’m doing on my special day I do become a parent though.  I feel most women need to take these classes– not due to my own mother taking them, but due to the fact that every parent should know what their child needs, when to discipline, and when to let go.  Focus on the Family is corrupt too.  I’m sorry, but I’ve seen many families live off of tough love.  I was in fact arm robbed by one of them not too long ago for glass pieces.  For goodness sake, the parenting is where the problem in our world starts.   for  Yet, they are the ones with the funds, and they think they deserve them.  I’m here not to take from this person, but to tell the world how I feel about others who are less than qualified to call themselves, “mothers.”  My mother personally is a blessing who has shown me to do right, strength, to make wise choices, and to make them under the parameter that I can live with them.  

Some of these women don’t want to be moms and yet they still are, shifting the responsibility to other members of their family.  They actually would rather see their own child starve and live a bountiful life than have their children having a future.  Those are the moms that disgust me.  After receiving an email of one of my readers, as well as watching some of my relatives treat their child, I can only say that we have a problem.  I will not be bullied anymore, nor do I care about them as they don’t care about me.  I will rent space in this one context this one time and say: you will one day be judged lest you change your ways.  I know this is true, and I warn you to be more caring to your own kin, as this is a reflection of yourself!  If you ask me (which you’re not obviously as you treat yourself to drink and luxury) then you will one day soon have what you deserve, and one day I will earn mine without having to take from you and we shall see who does what with what.  I’ve always tried my hardest to not be a hypocritical person.  It’s difficult to pray for these unnamed people, yet it’s easier for me to pray for the men who almost killed me.  Why is that??? I just don’t understand myself.  God help us all, please shed light where it is needed.  Please let your people no longer suffer and be shamed… Lord hear my prayers.

These are different situations.  If you want to know more about this bill they are trying to pass to remove all of us as bloggers: MoveOn.Org has a lot to say.  I will post it later, however, you all need to know there is a problem, and that we may not be able to write soon on here if we choose to do nothing.  If I or you haven’t been published, then that would mean we are censored off the net.f  Now, wouldn’t that be terrible??? Our freedom of speech already lays within a delicate balance thanks to Bush… what next and how much more can we as humans and a society take?