Sunday Reflection on Another Monday.

So here we are late at night and with all the buzz I almost forgot to change this thing. I’ve left my life to chance and dreams to do what I love- I was once told by a great man if I could find a way to get paid while on Facebook chatting with my friends I would become a rich woman. Well, guess what honey I found a way to do just that!

The coolest thing about it is, I’ve been in business a lot before. In all other businesses, it’s kind of dog-eat-dog. I swore off business, but then I realized I didn’t have to with this one. I get to help my friends get paid so then it makes it all seem right. All the things I hated about business I no longer see in my own. I’m honestly tickled pink. I will one day prance to my dreams with my friends as we all grow together.

We are going to light it up in Colorado. Love life, love you my readers, and wanted to say you’ll all be a part of my growth as much as you want to! #WUNLife